Detailed assessment to identify the root cause of the problem you are dealing with, and make an effective treatment plan.
Oriental Medicine
Acupuncture balances yin and yang energies in the body, through inserting sterile, thin, disposable needles promotes physical and mental harmony for overall health.
Enhances blood circulation, reduces muscle tension, and aids pain relief very effectively. Specially good for muscle stiffness, and relieves lingering chronic cough.
Boosts circulation, eases muscle tension, and revitalizes skin. Natural therapy for pain relief, promoting rejuvenation.
Gua Sha
Involves burning dried mugwort (Artemisia Argyi) and applied its heat to stimulate specific acupuncture points and activate the meridians. It enhances circulation, relieves pain, and promotes healing.
Is a Japanese bodywork, applies pressure to certain points to enhance energy flow. Benefits include relaxation and pain relief through therapeutic touch.
The ear is a microsystem reflecting the whole body. Stimulating precise ear points with seeds, magnets or needles, it aids pain relief, stress and anxiety reduction, also known to help with additions.
Chinese massage therapy that includes Pressing (An), Kneading (Mo), Rubbing (Ca), Palm Rolling (Guo Tui), Shaking (Dou) and Tapping (Ji), promotes energy flow and balance of Qi (life energy)
Applies pressure to specific foot points that correspond to different organs of the body for health benefits. Promotes deep relaxation, reduce stress and relieve tension, aids with a better and profound sleep
Lifestyle that supports immune system and maximizes health with natural remedies. Benefits include vitality, balanced nutrition, and overall well-being through personalized advice and guidance.
Herbal & Nutritional
Uses essential oils from natural plant extracts for therapeutic benefits. It enhances mood, reduces stress, and supports overall well-being through natural scent stimulation.
Therapy: Uses sound frequencies to promote relaxation. Sound vibrations can affect the physical, emotional and mental state. This therapy is used as a complementary practice to enhance treatments.
Sound Therapy
Eastern Massage
Holistic massage combines physical, emotional, and energetic elements, fostering balance and healing through various therapeutic methods. Restore energy balance in the body and self-regulation system
Gently manipulates the spine and skull addressing restrictions in the craniosacral system. Often used to treat conditions as headaches, neck and back pain, Temporomandibular joint dysfunction, and emotional and psychological issues.
Stimulates lymph circulation, helps the body eliminate excess fluids, toxins and waste removal, reducing swelling, and boosting immune function for enhanced surgery or trauma recovery among others
Lymphatic Drainage
Targets deeper muscle layers and connective tissues. Applying firm pressure and slow strokes to relieve muscle tension and stiffness as well as release trigger points and muscle knots. Alleviates chronic tension in sports injuries and joint issues
Deep Tissue
Uses long, gliding, kneading and circular flowing strokes to relax muscles, improve circulation, and reduce stress. Could also include tapping, stretching and friction promoting overall relaxation and well-being.
Is a vigorous massage that focuses on specific muscle groups to enhance athletic performance, prevent injuries, and aid recovery for athletes' well-being. enhancing mobility and promoting better tissue recovery.
Sports Massage
The warmth of the stones helps to relax muscles, alleviate tension, improve circulation, and promote overall relaxation and well-being. Very beneficial for alleviating chronic pain or stress-related conditions.
Hot Stone
Provides relief for expecting mothers, addressing needs and discomforts such as back pain and swelling, reducing stress, and promoting relaxation for overall well-being during pregnancy.
Tailored self-massage routines to address individual patients needs using their own hands, tools or objects, empowering clients to manage muscle tension, reduce soreness and improve flexibility.
Involves deliberate gently movements that hold position of certain body parts to elongate muscles accompanied with deep breathing, avoiding bouncing or overstretching. Very important to improve flexibility and prevent injury.
Stretching Techniques
Neural therapy is a holistic medical treatment involving injection of local anesthetics for pain relief and healing of chronic conditions.
Neural Therapy